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At AACC, we value inclusion, community and relationships. In keeping with those principles, we welcome students from all countries and embrace the diverse backgrounds, thoughts and beliefs they add to our community.

Currently, the International Student Services (ISS) admission officer and designated school officer (DSO) are processing immigration requests, updates and other student services remotely. Time sensitive immigration requests will be prioritized and processed within our five-day business window. Tasks that are not urgent may take longer due to the increased number of requests received. We thank you for your patience.

The Latest Regarding Online Courses

On May 11, 2023, the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) terminated its Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) guidance to coincide with the end of the COVID-19 National Emergency and Public Health Emergency. An updated FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions from SEVP stakeholders about the impact of the termination of COVID-19 flexibilities.

In SEVP’s Broadcast Message 2305-04 SEVP states:

President Biden announced the termination of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency, effective on May 11, 2023, following the termination of the COVID-19 National Emergency on April 10, 2023. While the Student and Exchange Visitor Program’s (SEVP) COVID-19 guidance is terminated as of May 11, 2023, Active F and M nonimmigrant students will be able to complete the 2022-23 academic year under the COVID-19 flexibilities through the 2023 summer semester. However, Active F and M nonimmigrant students will not be permitted to count online classes toward a full course of study in excess of the regulatory limits stated in 8 CFR 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G) and 8 CFR 214.2(m)(9)(v) for the 2023-24 academic year.

Initial or re-entering students must enroll in programs complying with the regulatory limits for distance learning as stated in 8 CFR 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G). Designated school officials should not issue Forms I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status,” for students in new or Initial status who are outside of the United States and plan to take classes at an educational institution certified by SEVP for a program of study that contains online components in excess of the regulatory limits

The current guidance providing exception is only valid through the 2022-2023 academic year or summer 2023 term. If SEVP decides to extend the guidance, we will notify students. The standard enrollment regulations are:

  • Associate degree students in F-1 status – at least nine of the required 12-credit hours (minimum) must be in person.
  • ESL/ELL students in F-1 status – must have 12 credit hours (minimum) in person.
  • Students graduating must have some in-person enrollment in that term. If fall 2023 is your last term and you only need to enroll in one course, it must be an in-person course.

Admissions Process for F-1 Visa Students

If you are interested in obtaining an I-20 or Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status form, you should apply as an international applicant. If you are on a tourist visa, you must obtain a student (F-1) visa status before registering for classes. For information about change of status in the U.S., including fees and instructions to apply, visit the USCIS I-539 Application to Change Nonimmigrant Status webpage. If you wish to meet with the international admissions advisor, you must schedule an appointment by calling 410-777-2677 or emailing

Application Deadline for International Applicants

Please adhere to the deadlines established below for the international student application.

  Fall Term Spring Term
Obtain F-1 Visa from Outside the U.S. May 1 Oct. 1
Change of Status to F-1 Within the U.S. May 1 Oct. 1
Transfer of F-1 Visa or Status July 15 Dec. 15


Applying for an F-1 Visa from Outside of the U.S.

Admissions Requirements

To receive an I-20 or Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant (F-1) Student Status from AACC, you must meet the admission requirements for international students:

1.  Submit the AACC Admission Application for F-1 Student Status.

The admission application is FREE.

You may apply online. If you prefer paper application, email and will send you the form by mail, fax or email. Please note that submitting paper application still requires a valid email address.

Use your legal name as it appears on your passport and supporting documents. When completing your application, be sure to provide a complete international permanent address – not a P.O. Box – so we can issue your I-20 form. Don't forget to sign your application. You may apply online or download the International (F-1) Student Admission Application Form.

2.  Submit the Supplementary Form for F-1 Students

3.  Submit your official or certified copies of transcripts or high school diploma/certificate. 

These documents should verify graduation from secondary and post-secondary schools attended. If you attended another college or university in the U.S., official transcripts from that school also must be submitted.

If you wish to transfer credits from a college or university from outside the U.S. to AACC, that transcript must be submitted for review and evaluation by a professional credential evaluating agency. AACC only accepts credential evaluations by World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators Inc. (ECE) or SPANTRAN. Students in the Financial Accounting certificate program leading to the CPA examination may also use the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

These organizations will review your transcript and prepare a report providing course title(s), grade(s) and number of credit(s) in U.S. equivalents. In some cases, students may have to provide the credential agency with the course syllabi and/or course descriptions from the college or university to establish any course equivalencies.

The following checklist will help as you complete the transcript evaluation process:

  • English Translation – all documents submitted to the agency must be in English or accompanied with English translation (word-for-word). Spantran offers English translation for additional fee. Send a copy of your documents to be translated in English to
  • Determine which agency you would like to use from the list provided.
  • Complete the required application (paper or online) for evaluation.
  • On your application, request a:
    • course-by-course evaluation for college/university transcript; and if you wish to transfer credits to AACC.
    • general evaluation or document-by-document or general analysis report if you are requesting high school evaluation report only.
  • On your application, request that a copy of your evaluation be sent directly to:

Anne Arundel Community College (AACC)
Records and Registration, Student Services Building 140
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD  21012

  • Submit your application, required documents (transcript or mark sheet, diploma or certificate) including English translations and payment as instructed by the agency you selected.

Transfer of credits process at AACC

Once the college receives your official evaluation report from the credential agency, it will be reviewed by the college transcript evaluator for transfer credits applicable to the program of study or major you are pursuing at AACC. 

In order for courses to be eligible for consideration as general education courses they must meet a 2.66 term hour credit value minimum. Courses that are valued below the 2.66 term hour minimum are only eligible for transfer as general elective credit. Two or more courses of similar course material or of sequential order may be merged to meet the 2.66 term hour minimum on a course by course basis. There is a 20-working day processing time on all received transcripts.

After the evaluation is complete you will be able to view your posted transfer credit within your student (MyAACC) portal at Student Planning, Scheduling and Registration.

If you believe that any of the courses listed on the transcript may be applicable to your program at AACC, then you may submit a course syllabus to aid and to expedite the evaluation process. You may submit syllabi to once you have been issued an AACC ID number.  

If you have any questions, or if there are any discrepancies regarding the transfer of credits you received from AACC, contact:

Transfer Credit Team

Records and Registration

4. English Proficiency (TOEFLSATACT or AACC English Placement Test)

You must provide the college with verification of your proficiency in English. You may submit copies of your test score reports with your application materials. AACC's TOEFL code is 5019. AACC Accuplacer Placement test can be taken in person or virtually via Zoom. The AACC testing center will email you the link to the Zoom meeting after submitting your exam registration form.

5. Financial Certification

You must certify that you have sufficient funds to support your one academic year of study and living expenses. You may submit an official bank statement. If a U.S. resident sponsor will support you, you must submit their bank statement and completed affidavit of support form (Form I-134). The form is available at  

Estimated Annual Expenses for Associate Degree Students (fall and spring terms)
Tuition and Fees $13,850
Books and Supplies $1,200
Living Expenses* $19,482
Total $34,532
Estimated Expenses for English Language Learning (ELL) Program Students 
Tuition and Fees $5,307
Books and Supplies $800
Living Expenses* $19,482
Total $25,589

*Living expenses include costs for housing, food and health insurance.

$6,000 per dependent

Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice.

See additional information about tuition and fees.

6.  A copy of your unexpired passport ID page

Do not send your original passport.

Note: All documents must be submitted in English or with English translation by a certified translator. Only complete applications will be reviewed for I-20 issuance.  All documents submitted becomes a property of the college and cannot be returned.

Mail your application form and materials to:

Anne Arundel Community College
Admissions and Enrollment Development
Student Services Center
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012-1895

or email legible copies to

I-20 Form or Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant Student Status

Once you have received your I-20, you must pay the SEVIS fee and print the receipt at least two days before your visa interview. To pay the fee, go to

To learn more about F-1 visa application, visit U.S. Department of State website.

Transferring F-1 Status from Another U.S. Institution

Admissions Requirements

To receive an I-20 or Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant (F-1) Student Status from AACC, you must meet the admission requirements for international students:

1.  Submit the AACC Admission Application for F-1 Student Status.

The admission application is FREE.

You may apply online. If you prefer paper application, email and we will send you the form by mail, fax or email. Submitting a paper application would still require a valid email address.

Use your legal name as it appears on your passport and supporting documents. When completing your application, be sure to provide a complete international permanent address – not a P.O. Box – so we can issue your I-20 form. Don't forget to sign your application. You may apply online or download the International (F-1) Student Admission Application Form.

2.  Submit the Supplementary Form for F-1 Students.

3.  Submit your official or certified copies of transcripts or high school diploma/certificate. 

These documents should verify graduation from secondary and post-secondary schools attended. If you attended another college or university in the U.S., official transcripts from that school also must be submitted.

If you wish to transfer credits from a college or university from outside the U.S. to AACC, that transcript must be submitted for review and evaluation by a professional credential evaluating agency. AACC only accepts credential evaluations by World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators Inc. (ECE) or SPANTRAN. Students in the Financial Accounting certificate leading to the CPA examination may also use the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

These organizations will review your transcript and prepare a report providing course title(s), grade(s) and number of credit(s) in U.S. equivalents. In some cases, students may have to provide the credential agency with the course syllabi and/or course descriptions from the college or university to establish any course equivalencies.

The following checklist will help as you complete the transcript evaluation process:
  • English Translation – all documents submitted to the agency must be in English or accompanied with English translation (word-for-word). Spantran offers English translation for additional fee. Send a copy of your documents to be translated in English to
  • Determine which agency you would like to use from the list provided.
  • Complete the required application (paper or online) for evaluation.
  • On your application, request a:
    • course-by-course evaluation for college/university transcript; and if you wish to transfer credits to AACC.
    • general evaluation or document-by-document or general analysis report if you are requesting high school evaluation report only.
  • On your application, request that a copy of your evaluation be sent directly to:

Anne Arundel Community College (AACC)
Records and Registration, Student Services (SSVC) Building 140
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD  21012

  • Submit your application, required documents (transcript, or mark sheet, or diploma or certificate) including English translations; and payment as instructed by the agency you selected.

Transfer of credits process at AACC

Once the college receives your official evaluation report from the credential agency, it will be reviewed by the college transcript evaluator for transfer credits applicable to the program of study or major you are pursuing at AACC. 

In order for courses to be eligible for consideration as General Education courses they must meet a 2.66 semester hour credit value minimum.  Courses that are valued below the 2.66 semester hour minimum are only eligible for transfer as general elective credit. Two or more courses of similar course material or of sequential order may be merged to meet the 2.66 semester hour minimum on a course by course basis.  There is a 20-working day processing time on all received transcripts.

After the evaluation is complete you will be able to view your posted transfer credit within your student (MyAACC) portal Student Planning, Scheduling and Registration.

If you believe that any of the courses listed on the transcript may be applicable to your program at AACC then you may submit a course syllabus to aid and to expedite the evaluation process. You may submit syllabi to once you have been issued an AACC ID number.  

If you have any questions, or if there are any discrepancies regarding the transfer of credits you received from AACC, contact:

Transfer Credit Team

Records and Registration

4.  English Proficiency (TOEFLSATACT or AACC English Placement Test)

You must provide the college with verification of your proficiency in English.  You may submit copies of your test score reports with your application materials. AACC's TOEFL code is 5019. AACC Accuplacer Placement test can be taken in person or virtually via Zoom. The AACC Testing Center will email you the link to the Zoom meeting after submitting your exam registration form.

5. Financial Certification

You must certify that you have sufficient funds to support your one academic year of study and living expenses. You may submit an official bank statement. If a U.S. resident sponsor will support you, you must submit their bank statement and completed affidavit of support form (Form I-134). The form is available at  

Estimated Annual Expenses for Associate Degree Students (fall and spring terms)
Tuition and Fees $13,850
Books and Supplies $1,200
Living Expenses* $19,482
Total $34,532
Estimated Expenses for English Language Learning (ELL) Program Students 
Tuition and Fees $5,307
Books and Supplies $800
Living Expenses* $19,482
Total $25,589

*Living expenses include costs for housing, food and health insurance.

$6,000 per dependent

Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice.

See additional information about tuition and fees.

6.  A copy of your unexpired passport ID page.

Do not send original passport.

Additional requirements for transfer students:

  1. A copy of your passport (biographic page)
  2. A copy of your F-1 visa stamp
  3. A copy of your I-94 (card or printed from the internet
  4. A copy of all I-20 forms issued to you
  5. A copy of your Approval Notice for Change of Status to F-1 (if applicable)
  6. Transfer Eligibility Form signed by your current DSO

Note: You must have an "ACTIVE" status in SEVIS to apply to transfer your F-1 visa. All documents must be submitted in English or with English translation by a certified translator. Only complete applications will be reviewed for I-20 issuance. Documents submitted becomes property of the college and cannot be returned.

Mail your application form and materials to:

Anne Arundel Community College
Admissions and Enrollment Development
Student Services Center
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD 21012-1895

Or email legible copies to

After your SEVIS record has been released to AACC, you must contact us 15 days before the start date of your classes. A new I-20 form will be issued to you.

Applying for Change of Status to F-1 within the United States

Admissions Requirements

To receive an I-20 or Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant (F-1) Student Status from AACC, you must meet the admission requirements for international students.

1.  Submit the AACC Admission Application for F-1 Student Status.

The admission application is FREE.

You may apply online. If you prefer paper application, email and will send you the form by mail, fax or email.  Note that submitting paper application would still require a valid email address.

Use your legal name as it appears on your passport and supporting documents. When completing your application, be sure to provide a complete international permanent address – not a P.O. Box – so we can issue your I-20 form. Don't forget to sign your application.

2.  Submit the Supplementary Form for F-1 Students

3.  Submit your official or certified copies of transcripts or high school diploma/certificate. 

These documents should verify graduation from secondary and post-secondary schools attended. If you attended another college or university in the U.S., official transcripts from that school also must be submitted.

If you wish to transfer credits from a college or university from outside the U.S. to AACC, that transcript must be submitted for review and evaluation by a professional credential evaluating agency. AACC only accepts credential evaluations by World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators Inc. (ECE) or SPANTRAN. Students in the Financial Accounting certificate program leading to the CPA examination may also use the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).

These organizations will review your transcript and prepare a report providing course title(s), grade(s) and number of credit(s) in U.S. equivalents. In some cases, students may have to provide the credential agency with the course syllabi and/or course descriptions from the college or university to establish any course equivalencies.

The following checklist will help as you complete the transcript evaluation process:
  • English Translation – all documents submitted to the agency must be in English or accompanied with English translation (word-for-word). Spantran offers English translation for additional fee. Send a copy of your documents to be translated in English to
  • Determine which agency you would like to use from the list provided.
  • Complete the required application (paper or online) for evaluation.
  • On your application, request a:
    • course-by-course evaluation for college/university transcript; and if you wish to transfer credits to AACC.
    • general evaluation or document-by-document or general analysis report if you are requesting high school evaluation report only.
  • On your application, request that a copy of your evaluation be sent directly to:

Anne Arundel Community College (AACC)
Records and Registration, Student Services Building 140
101 College Parkway
Arnold, MD  21012

  • Submit your application, required documents (transcript, mark sheet, diploma or certificate) including English translations; and payment as instructed by the agency you selected.

Transfer of credits process at AACC

Once the college receives your official evaluation report from the credential agency, it will be reviewed by the college transcript evaluator for transfer credits applicable to the program of study or major you are pursuing at AACC. 

In order for courses to be eligible for consideration as General Education courses they must meet a 2.66 semester hour credit value minimum. Courses that are valued below the 2.66 semester hour minimum are only eligible for transfer as general elective credit. Two or more courses of similar course material or of sequential order may be merged to meet the 2.66 semester hour minimum on a course by course basis.  There is a 20-working day processing time on all received transcripts.

After the evaluation is complete you will be able to view your posted transfer credit within your student (MyAACC) portal Student Planning, Scheduling and Registration.

If you believe that any of the courses listed on the transcript may be applicable to your program at AACC then you may submit a course syllabus to aid and to expedite the evaluation process. You may submit syllabi to once you have been issued an AACC ID number.  

If you have any questions, or if there are any discrepancies regarding the transfer of credits you received from AACC, contact:

Transfer Credit Team

Records and Registration

4.  English Proficiency (TOEFLSATACT or AACC English Placement Test)

You must provide the college with verification of your proficiency in English. You may submit copies of your test score reports with your application materials. AACC's TOEFL code is 5019. AACC Accuplacer Placement test can be taken in-person or virtually via Zoom. The AACC Testing Center will email you the link to the Zoom meeting after submitting your exam registration form.

5. Financial Certification

You must certify that you have sufficient funds to support your one academic year of study and living expenses. You may submit an official bank statement. If a U.S. resident sponsor will support you, you must submit their bank statement and completed affidavit of support form (Form I-134). The form is available at  

Estimated Annual Expenses for Associate Degree Students (fall and spring terms)
Tuition and Fees $13,850
Books and Supplies $1,200
Living Expenses* $19,482
Total $34,532
Estimated Expenses for English Language Learning (ELL) Program Students 
Tuition and Fees $5,307
Books and Supplies $800
Living Expenses* $19,482
Total $25,589

*Living expenses include costs for housing, food and health insurance.

$6,000 per dependent

Tuition and fees are subject to change without prior notice.

See additional information about tuition and fees.

6.  A copy of your unexpired passport ID page, visa page, I-94 (print from, other documents relevant to your current visa status e.g. DS-2019, I-20 forms for F2 visa, etc.

Do not send original passport.

Note: All documents must be submitted in English or with English translation by a certified translator. Only complete applications will be reviewed for I-20 issuance.

Documents submitted becomes property of the college and cannot be returned.

How to apply for change of status to F1: Prepare your documents listed in the admission requirements, then submit all required forms and required documents. When the I-20 form is issued, you must pay the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) I-901 fee at, print the receipt, then file your complete I-539 Application to Change Non-Immigrant Status online with appropriate filing fees at the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Office (USCIS).  (Be sure to check your eligibility to file online from; or mail your entire application packet with appropriate filing fees to USCIS (follow filing instructions from AACC does not provide assistance with filing the I-539. Before filing for change of status application, visit the USCIS webpage for special instructions. If you require assistance with USCIS filings, consult an immigration attorney.

Contact our international admissions advisor below for assistance with non-U.S. citizen admissions:

Emma Thompson
Principal Designated School Official (PDSO)

Applying as Non-Citizen/Immigrant or Undocumented Student

This requirement is for new applicants who are currently residing in the United States. After submitting the admissions application, submit copies of your visa immigration documentations to Acceptable forms of documents are listed below:

  • Permanent Residents: Permanent resident or alien card (green card) or immigrant visa stamped in passport; or approval or extension letter for permanent resident
  • Asylees/Refugees: I-94 arrival departure record, USCIS approval notice or form I-327 and refugee travel document
  • Applicants with Pending Status: Employment authorization document (EAD) card or I-797C notice of action receipt from USCIS verifying pending status
  • Other Visa Types: Foreign passport, visa stamp, I-94 or USCIS approval notice verifying current status
  • Undocumented: All students are welcome to AACC, including those who are undocumented. Undocumented students may be eligible for the Maryland Dream Act.

Contact Us

Contact our international admissions advisor below for assistance with non-U.S. citizen admissions:

Emma Thompson
Principal Designated School Official (PDSO)